Wednesday, April 10, 2013

An Introduction

Vancouver M.I.L.K. (Moms I'd Like to Know) was started by Kate Weston and Melissa James in 2013.  The idea was born from our combined experience of being at home raising little ones, learning how to adjust to a new life at home and eventually thrive in a world of memory loss, stained clothes and isolation.

We know how hard it is to find new likeminded mama friends. You really want to connect with women at baby groups but you can't become friends with someone just because you both have kids. You need more than that to make a real connection.  So, we started our Facebook group to connect with each other and share events and articles. 

This blog is intended to share what we've learned along the way in the hopes that it might make your day a little easier. If you would like to be a contributor please let us know!

M.I.L.K is about following the road less traveled. We're artists and misfits, we're gardeners and doulas, we're techy and geeky, we're rockin' and freaky. We're not your average moms. When we get together, we support and inspire each other, laugh and sigh together, share information and resources and most of all... relax (hopefully with a beer) and have fun!

Visit us at

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for starting a mums group that mentions beer right in the initial description!! This could be my kinda mums group... :)
